
Monday, July 25, 2011

Stop... Rebuke.... Pray!!!

I have been having attacks one after the other but don't we all.  It just really makes you feel weak when you fail the attacks.  God has given me the power to over come the devil and his antics.  Like I said I have not been doing so great over the past few months.  I mean I have felt like everyone was against me, even if they weren't.  I have allowed negativity to effect my walk with God and the walk He had in place for me.  But God gave me something recently, I was sitting here praying and boo hooing and all that stuff and I asked God how do I over come?  I mean you tell me I am made and over comer by the word but how do I actually become and effective over comer.  All I heard for a moment was Stop... Drop.... & Roll.  Now I know they still teach this in schools and its one of those things that will forever be stuck in my mind.   So God gives this to me and I sat there for a moment going okay, how am I am over comer by that?  At that moment the words Stop, rebuke and pray came to me and then instantly my spirit was lining up with what God was telling me. In the flesh if we are on fire and we don't stop drop and roll we will burn up and die.  It's exactly the same thing in the spiritual.  If I decide to let the devil start fires in me that burn down my esteem, my thoughts, God's truth, my love and so on, then I die.  The depression, is a fire in me that I need to stop, rebuke, and pray.  My fear of death, stop, rebuke and pray.  The fire is put out.  Just like in the flesh, I need to be doing things that keep the fire out.  I need to be in God's word, I need to strive to make Him the center of my life and not be distracted by things I use to cover up my feelings.  I will not retreat, I will fight the front line of this battle.  That song they sing at church, We are made for battle!!  I am made for Battle Lord.  I will and do stop, rebuke and pray several several times a day but I am an over comer. Praise to the Lord, ALWAYS!

Prayer:  Dear Lord, I thank you for your direction.  I thank you that you are working within me and my family.  I praise your name for bringing me peace.  For carrying me and my family during this time.  For the start of a new life tomorrow.  For my husbands healing.  For molding me in your hands and not dropping me.  My dearest dad, I thank you for lifting up all those we know.  For your protection around them.  For them being a part of our lives no matter the extent.  For the blessings that you have and will continue to bestow up everyone.  I praise you and honor you always my precious Father.  I love you with all of me and thank you for teaching me to accept that love. Amen!

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