
Tuesday, August 09, 2011


So I can't sleep.  I have my babies back home now and I am happy about it but at the same time I am so sad that I am not with my husband who has been sick today.  It's very hard to be in every place you feel like you are suppose to be.  I don't know why it is like that for me.   I look at some people and they are just so matter of fact and know that they know where they are suppose to be and just do it but I am always feeling overwhelmed wondering where am I suppose to be.  My husband needs me, my children need me, life needs me.  I was laying in the bed a few ago talking with God and just thinking and seriously it was like my head was spinning.  I literally felt dizzy and sick to my stomach like i was on one of those super fast spinning rides.  So, I am up now.  NOW WHAT.......  God brought to my heart the statement, " I am made an over comer by the word."  Also, its one of those stop, rebuke and pray moments.  I have alot of those.

The positive of my evening.... we received a call of a vision that was seen about my hubby and it was very uplifting and inspiring.  It brought a spark of light in my husbands eyes tonight.  I praise God for those moments.  I mean my husband is always very positive for so many others but I can see when he is tired.  It really lifted him up to have another confirmation from the Lord of his healing.  Today was a hard day for him and so it truly was a blessing.  Praise God for His word. 

So now its 3:20am, sorry if this blog doesn't make alot of sense but I so love that the Lord has gave me this blog as a gift as in my way of releasing, no my way of stopping, rebuking and praying, hahaha.  I love you Lord.

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