One of the hardest things for so many people is to understand that not all people are meant to be our best friends. I have to admit I was one of them. Had I known now what I can see and realize now I would have never taken for granted all the friendships that God has brought into my life. The thing is those friendships were made for a certain time and not for the rest of my life. I spent my entire life looking for something that was missing in my life from people who became friends with me that I couldn't understand why all of sudden it was gone. It was very hard to deal with up until the last 6 months or more. I wondered why things had to be so hard and why I was alone. I came to realize that the Lord wanted me to learn to depend on Him. Yes, we can be friends with people and help them and show them Love but that doesn't mean they are always going to be there. Take time to appreciate them. Take time to show them the same Love God shows you. Number 1 thing is not to allow the devil to play with your mind and let you blame yourself if a friendship has changed in a way you don't understand. Seek after the Lord, He is a friend that never leaves and sticks closer than a brother. He left us the comforter, what more of a better friend can you have then that? Take the energy you may spend feeling sad over a friend and use it for God's Glory. Reach out to someone in need. Or use that time to see what it is the Lord wishes you to learn during that time. There are always learning opportunities in our walk with the Lord. God is an amazing God and one of my favorite sayings is He will never NEVER leave us orphans. His love is always there and ever enduring. Praise be to the Lord.
Dear Lord,
I will praise you Lord my God,
even in my desperation.
Even in my brokenness, I will praise you Lord.
My life is in your hands,
I chose to trust you.
Even when my heart is torn.
I will praise you Lord.
Even when I feel deserted.
I will praise you Lord.
Even in my darkest valley,
I will praise you Lord.
When my world is shattered,
it seems hope is gone.
Yet, I will praise you Lord.
I love you Lord, with all of me. I life up everyone I know and pray many blessings over their lives.
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