
Sunday, February 12, 2012


I was sitting here in my bed and felt the urge to write in my blog, which I haven't done in some time.  Much has happened to me and changed for me since October 2011.  I find myself loving life and the meaning of Life.  Life to me is God.  It's following His lead, His will.  How easy it is to find yourself caught up in things that don't matter.  I have been a huge people pleaser my entire life.  My very first memories are those of me trying to please my mom and dad.  I didn't want to color out of the lines because that was not what made them happy.  In the end life doesn't stay within lines of boundaries.  Every day we color outside the lines looking for things that we deep down know we will never find.  God is always there with His eraser fixing those misguided lines.  He doesn't do it because He has to but He does it because He loves us unconditionally, even when I find my own self doing things just to please people.  Sad fact is those people we try most to please are the ones we need to let go of so God can start erasing those pains associated with those individuals.  We are fully aware of the consequences of being a people pleaser yet it is the one thing alot of us strive for.  I want to strive for the Lord now.  My eyes are opening and my heart is overflowing with His love and I no longer want to be held back because of being a people pleaser.  Letting go of that issue and only living to please the Lord will without a doubt, help me to be who He has called me to be.  Praise be to the Lord!!!

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