
Tuesday, November 04, 2014

And Great Shall be The Peace of Your Children........

Isaiah 54:13New King James Version (NKJV)

13 All your children shall be taught by the Lord,
And great shall be the peace of your children.

I remember the day Callie was born, my heart overflowed with love for this new little person that Kenneth and I were blessed with.   Then God blessed us with Kayla and I had the same feeling again.  And then came Nicholas my only boy that I had prayed for non-stop and yet I had that same feeling of overflowing love.  I pray peace over my children and I give them up to the Lord to be who He has called them to be.  When you love someone, especially our children, their spiritual well being becomes your responsibility.  You can speak joy into their lives or sadness.  

Too many times I have seen little children who are not taught by the Lord and you can see no peace in their little lives.  My heart has always broke.  As adults we are responsible to the Lord to allow Him to raise our children the way He would have it.  It says, "He knew them before they were formed."  He already had a plan for their lives and it is our responsibility to let them be whatever that plan is.  It is not our job to steer them to be doctors or lawyers.  If that is God's purpose He will let you as the parent know.  But if it isn't, we are doing a disservice to our children.  I want my children to be taught by the Lord and I want that peace He brings to them.  I want them to be whatever it is He has called them to be for His purpose.  I pray His will be done in their lives.  I pray that for all children.  May our eyes be opened and our hearts be opened to whatever it is our babies are called to be. We want the best them.  Imagine how much more God wants the best for them. 

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